No longer gawky, Ester is blocking and the measurements look fine. This is an XL, and I'm dubious about the armholes and chest. But, patience leads to answers.
So which sewing stitch will you be using? And how did you come to that determination? Being my first non-scarf or hat, your thoughts on the best stitch to use would be appreciated.
i'm still knitting, but i'm planning on using mattress stitch...i just need to figure out where to sew into to keep the ribbing consistent.
I'm most likely using mattress stitch too. Interested if others chose differently.
I used a mattress stitch - it seems to give the most invisible seam from the right side.
I used mattress stitch ( i think) too- the first time it has "worked" and I got an invisible line of ribbing. I was suprised and amazed!! Good luck :)
Thanks for your thoughts. I think I know what I'll be trying next.
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