Friday, April 13, 2007

Jessicah and Ester

I am the BAD KAL buddy you have all heard about, but as I explained on my site, winter is nearly upon us in the southern hemisphere and I really have no time to lose if I want to wear Ester before its too cold! (It was snowing about 3 hours south of Christchurch yesterday. To put this in perspective Christchurch might get two snow days per winter. Ya, cold.)

So when I bought my yarn and swatched, I cast on...and knitted, and knitted, through the ribbing, started the cables and and cast on the extra stitches for the front. Things have since slowed considerably due to the fact there are 3 times as many stitches on my needle, and my puppy is sleeping less!

I'm knitting with an NZ wool: Shepherd 12 ply 100% Lambswool (felted) in a red winey almost purple shade, difficult to catch on camera.

When I lay this out to photograph it my eyes were instantly drawn to the glaringly obvious cabling mistake halfway up on the right. I refuse to rip back to there and it's hard enough to fix cable mistakes two rows down, so I'm just not going there.... I figure it will be in my armpit anyway right??!!

And a word of advice for those cabling for the first time, also without cable needles: consumption of even half a glass of wine prior to attempting this will make it substantially more difficult!

1 comment:

nuttnbunny said...

"Ahh.. remember the night we went out for sushi and I have three glasses of cold sake, came home and decided to knit".

Not that I've ever made any souvenir drunken knitting "modifications" my self, of course. :-)