Sunday, May 6, 2007

Yarn is Ordered!

First things first - everyone's pics so far are great! I can't wait to get started - I'm having to hold off on my cast-on because I have a strict deadline of May 18 for a gift for my Dad.

I did order my yarn today and couldn't be happier - WEBS has Classic Elite Skye Tweed on overstock ($3.99/ball), so I jumped on it. I love purple anyway (not to mention the purple in the pattern pics), so I went with colorway #1295 (Grampian Purple).

And, if the Skye Tweed comes out looking anything like it did for brooklyntweed's sweater, what more could you ask?


nuttnbunny said...

Oh yeah! I've been drolling over her aran cardi too!! Looks great with cables.

oneredboot said...

just to give credit where credit is due, brooklyntweed is a he (jared)!

nuttnbunny said...

absolutely! credit, credit due.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I checked out WEBS yesterday as a result of your post and bought some yarn for two more projects!! Couldn't resist....